Sunday, 12 April 2015

What am I doing now?

This is a link to all my blog addresses if you want to see what I am working on now.

All my blogs

Quarter scale for sale

I have just sold most of my (more than two hundred) 48ths.  As they went for half price you can see this was something it would have been better not to do but it does emphasise that I am not leaving quarter scale lightly.

I have a few pieces left if you want to take a look.

Lilliput Minis

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Nice while it lasted

It is hail and fair well I'm afraid.

I switched to quarter scale last summer because I had no room to keep my 1/12ths when they were done and thought forty-eighths would be the solution.

I am not immune to their charm but, as anyone who has ever done both scales will know, it is a completely different ball game.  I found while I was in Naples for the winter I never got started on the handful of small furniture kits I had taken over to do.  I thought I had good reasons why not, lack of a place to work, loads of visitors etc etc.

I couldn't wait to get home and crack on.  Well, I have been back two weeks and really can not get going.  This is so not me as far as a hobby goes, I usually eat, breathe and sleep it.  I came to the inevitable conclusion it is a wrong fit for me.

I loved the challenge of working on such small things - like I love the challenge of a crossword but, like a crossword, once it was done that seemed to be it.  

I really get the biggest kick out of being able to try to replicate real life as accurately as I can and that is difficult and very different in forty-eighths.  It is all about illusion rather than scaling down and, I don't know why, it just doesn't give me the same satisfaction.

I have been very brave and accepted it is time to throw in the towel.

Thank you to all the truly wonderful quarter people I met along the way - they were so kind, helpful and just plain nice I shall miss them so much more than the hobby itself.


Anyone who wants the Geoff Lewis house (the Gate House) which I have started for £100 plus pp (it cost £250) please email me.  Also Petite properties (not started) plus all the stairs, doors,plinth cost me £57.13 so its yours for £28 plus pp.  Again email me.

I have posted this in The Gate House and in Les Roches, so whichever one you are reading it in don't bother to go to the other blog.

If you want to see what I am about to start (though I don't know why you would) here it is:

Dalton House