Welcome to what might or might not be my current project. To explain....
I am switching allegiance from 1/12ths and going to try my hand at quarter scale (1/48ths). I have had a project waiting for me for months which is a Geoff Lewis creation (The Gate House) and that should be my current build but I am stuck waiting to gather everything I need to get started on it. In the meanwhile I saw this on Peite Properties site (Le Peitit Palais) and it was love at first sight.
So, here I am with something of a race on. I spend my year split between the UK and the USA and in one month I decamp to America leaving my hobby behind. Luckily for me 48ths are bigger (!) in the the States so I hope to get to a few shows over there and buy up all I need for one or both of these projects. Whichever has all its stuff will be the one I am working on next Spring.
In the meanwhile I am making endless furniture kits to share between them and 'reviewing' those over in the Gate House Blog to keep me ticking over for a while.
Those who already know me know I write for Dolls House & Miniature Scene magazine and I have promised a piece (or more) on my foray into quarter scale for publication early next year, which could be something of a problem if I have nothing built by then. Watch this space.